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Weather Watcher
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  • FIXED: Resolved an issue preventing AccuWeather maps from being displayed as wallpaper.

  • FIXED: Resolved an issue introduced in version 7.2.289 that prevented some magnets/maps from being displayed and weather alerts from being retrieved.

  • FIXED: Made changes needed to restore Windows 7 compatibility.

  • CHANGED: Reverted the source of the radar map in the NOW section of the main Weather Watcher window back to OpenStreetMap and restored the option to choose between the radar/satellite map type.

  • CHANGED: Made improvements to the radar map generator to decrease the amount of time it takes to create the map image.

  • FIXED: Resolved an issue preventing the radar map from displaying in the NOW section of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • FIXED: Resolved an issue issue preventing Weather Watcher from retrieving weather data on Windows XP.

  • FIXED: Resolved an issue that was preventing some US weather stations from retrieving weather alerts.

  • FIXED: Removed popups from the radar map in the NOW section of the main Weatehr Watcher window.

  • ADDED: Added new NWS and Zoom Earth radar maps in the "Maps" menu.

  • ADDED: Added "Weather Station Website" system tay icon menu item for easy access to the current weather station's source website.

  • FIXED: Resolved an issue that was causing the radar map to show an incorrect location in the NOW section of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • FIXED: Resolved a few connectivity related issues that were preventing the weather from updating in Windows XP and Windows 7.

  • ADDED: In the previous version of Weather Watcher, a search would auto initiate for the current location when the Weather Stations search window was openeded. A new "Load weather stations for current location when Weather Stations search window opens" setting was added in the "Weather Stations" section of the Weather Watcher Options window to enable/disable that functionality.

  • CHANGED: Prevented a new search from starting until the previous search has completed in the Weather Stations search window.

  • FIXED: The current wind speed was sometimes displaying as ".0" instead of "0".

  • FIXED: Updated the temperatures in the daily forecast text description to match the high and low temperatures in the daily forecast.

  • ADDED: Default Interface Skin to "TextOnly" when starting Weather Watcher while a screen reader is running.

  • CHANGED: Migrated maps in the Local Observations and Station Search windows from Google Maps to OpenStreetMap to allow the maps to be compatible with more versions of Windows.

  • FIXED: Made several adjustments to allow existing Weather Watcher features to function properly for Windows XP users. See this forum thread for other changes that must be configured in Windows XP.

  • FIXED: Updated Google Maps version to resolve blank map in the Local Observations and Station Search windows.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue causing Earth Networks stations to always show the current wind direction as N.

  • FIXED: Some of the skin settings were not loading/saving properly.

  • CHANGED: Replaced some older web browser components with Microsoft WebView2 (their new Microsoft Edge based web browser component).

  • FIXED: Resolved issue causing weather updates to sometimes stall for a few minutes half way through the update process.

  • FIXED: Degree symbols were displaying as "�" instead of "°" in some locations of the interface and export/log files.

  • FIXED: Some values in the export/log file were showing N/A even when the data was available.

  • FIXED: NWS data was not available when running Weather Watcher on discontinued versions of Windows (e.g. Windows 7).

  • CHANGED: When the actual high/low temperatures are not sent from the weather data source, use the locally recorded data from the Monthly Observations.

  • FIXED: Resolved discrepancies for temperature and POP values that sometimes appeared in the daily and hourly forecasts.

  • CHANGED: Updated weather update process for NWS stations to get the latest available NOAA data.

  • FIXED: Removed discontinued weather maps and replaced others that were moved to new locations.

  • FIXED: Resolved a few issues causing a blank map to be displayed in the NOW section of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • FIXED: Restored missing weather stations in the Local Observations window.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue causing map not to load for WeatherBug stations outside of the US.

  • FIXED: Restored current conditions for NWS weather stations.

  • FIXED: Restored radar map image and resolved slow refresh process.

  • FIXED: Restored missing weather station search results and current condition updates.

  • FIXED: Updated links for broken radar and satellite maps.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue that was preventing the weather station search window from opening on some computers.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue that was preventing the main Weather Watcher window from opening on some computers.

  • FIXED: Restored access to NWS weather stations.

  • FIXED: Restored radar map in the main Weather Watcher window.

  • CHANGED: Refactored changes made in 7.2.208 to prevent Weather Watcher from hanging/crashing.

  • ADDED: Show weather station id in the weather station search results to make it easier to find a specific weather station that has an assigned id.

  • FIXED: Prevent the focus from being stolen when the weather updates while the main Weather Watcher window is closed.

  • FIXED: The "warm and humid" weather condition was showing a daytime icon and color at nighttime in the hourly forecast.

  • FIXED: Prevent instances of dl.exe from continuing to run idly in the background after they are done doing their work.

  • CHANGED: Reverted a few previous radar map changes that appeared to prevent the radar map from displaying on some Windows installations.

  • CHANGED: Always open the lightning map in the default system web browser so it displays properly.

  • CHANGED: Only open the context menu when pressing "M" on the main Weather Watcher window if using a TextOnly skin.

  • FIXED: Duplicate weather alerts were sometimes popping up when NWS changed the order of the available alerts without changing the alert content.

  • FIXED: The daily forecast was showing conflicting POP values in the "Condition" and "POP" columns.

  • FIXED: The tooltip background was showing the daytime image for NWS stations at nighttime.

  • FIXED: The radar map in "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window was displaying as a solid blue image.

  • ADDED: Added a "Map Type" skin setting to toggle the "Now" map between a radar and satellite map.

  • IMPROVED: Made more changes to the "Now" radar map to attempt to generate a map that's compatible with more versions of Windows and weather station locations.

  • FIXED: Made adjustments to prevent the radar map from displaying a black image in the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • FIXED: Round all Fahrenheit temperatures in the "Now" section of main Weather Watcher window when auto updating the weather data in real-time.

  • FIXED: The current conditions were not updating in the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window for Earth Networks weather stations when auto updating the weather data in real-time.

  • FIXED: Weather Watcher now auto restarts after automatically installing a new Weather Watcher update.

  • FIXED: Made more changes to the date logic to try to resolve issues that occur when using a non standard Windows short date format.

  • FIXED: The radar map image in the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window was blank on some Windows XP installations.

  • CHANGED: When a new version of Weather Watcher is available, the new version can now be automatically installed. See more details here.

  • FIXED: Resolved date conversion issue that was causing a blank forecast to display in the "Daily" section of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • FIXED: Tweaked the date logic to try to resolve issues that occur when using a non standard Windows short date format.

  • FIXED: Weather Watcher was stealing the cursor focus when updating the radar map image.

  • FIXED: Adjusted the radar map in the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window to ensure the image is as sharp as possible.

  • FIXED: Suppressed Flash dialog on weather updates when Flash is not installed.

  • FIXED: Resized the radar map in the Splendid2 and Splendid3 skins.

  • FIXED: The radar map in the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window was often either unavailable or not updating consistently.

  • FIXED: The current weather conditions were not updating for some weather stations outside of the US.

  • FIXED: All test weather alert messages from NWS are now being ignored.

  • CHANGED: The "New Weather Alert" pop up window now auto refreshes itself to show additional alerts if it's currently open when the weather is auto refreshed and new alerts are discovered.

  • FIXED: The "Alerts" link at the top of the main Weather Watcher window pointed to an alerts page that was no longer available.

  • FIXED: The POP values were sometimes being shifted one day ahead or one day backwards in the Daily forecast.

  • CHANGED: US weather alert data is now being retrieved directly from NWS to ensure all available alerts are being displayed.

  • FIXED: For some weather stations, the lightning map was being opened when clicking the map in the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • ADDED: Added CWOP (Citizen Weather Observer Program) weather stations for the US.

  • CHANGED: While Weather Watcher is actively being used, the current conditions will be retrieved more often when using weather stations that send updates in real-time.

  • FIXED: Move Options window to the top when it's already open in the background while attempting to open it.

  • FIXED: The maps in the "Maps" list were duplicating when retrieving the weather for NWS weather stations.

  • FIXED: NWS weather stations were missing from the weather station search results when the NWS API was slow to respond.

  • FIXED: The weather station search results took a long time to display when the NWS API was slow to respond.

  • FIXED: Weather updates were failing for many weather stations.

  • FIXED: After closing the Weather Watcher Options window, the system tray menu and main window top menu items would sometimes no longer respond until after Weather Watcher was restarted.

  • ADDED: Added TWC, WeatherBug, and Weather Underground maps to "Maps" list on main Weather Watcher window for NWS weather stations

  • FIXED: Incorrect weather station was sometimes being selected when adding a new weather station in the weather station search window.

  • ADDED: Weather Watcher is now able to access data directly from NWS weather stations. The data source will show "NWS" for those new weather stations when adding a weather station in the weather station search window.

  • CHANGED: Search results for current location automatically appear when opening the weather station search window.

  • FIXED: The Local Observations window was not showing data for WeatherBug weather stations.

  • FIXED: Realtime weather updates were not being downloaded for WeatherBug weather stations.

  • FIXED: Map was not displaying in the "Now" section for some US weather stations.

  • FIXED: Sunrise and sunset times were not displaying in the daily forecast for some locations.

  • FIXED: Tooltip window background was sometimes showing the day background at night.

  • FIXED: Wind speeds were not being converted properly in the detailed forecast when using units other than MPH.

  • FIXED: Hours to sunset/sunrise in the system tray tooltip were not being calculated correctly for some locations.

  • FIXED: Formatted the UV index to a whole number in the system tray tooltip. This change also fixed the inaccurate UV index description.

  • FIXED: Incorrect day names were being displayed in the "POP" section for some countries outside of the US.

  • FIXED: Weather Watcher was sometimes displaying a new weather alert pop up message for old weather alerts that have been previously displayed.

  • ADDED: The new "POP" view at the top of the main Weather Watcher window allows the upcoming probability of precipitation (POP) to be easily viewed by day and hour. This change was only made in the "Splendid4" skin.

  • FIXED: Some weather stations were not a showing a history of the downloaded weather data in the Monthly Observations window.

  • FIXED: Made additional changes to resolve issue where weather station search was not displaying results when searching in some international locations.

  • FIXED: The "Select weather station closest to your current location" setting was not selecting the proper weather station on startup.

  • FIXED: Weather station search was not displaying results when searching in some international locations.

  • FIXED: Feels like temperatures were incorrect for some locations.

  • FIXED: Weather station searches were sometimes not returning or taking too long to display the search results.

  • FIXED: For some international locations, temperatures in the hourly/daily forecast were displaying invalid values for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: The current conditions icon was sometimes displaying a blank icon for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • ADDED: Added "UV Index" to the list of items that can be displayed in the tray tooltip.

  • ADDED: Added "UV" and "UV DESCRIPTION" template tags for the Data Export and Data Log templates.

  • FIXED: The hourly and/or daily forecast was sometimes empty after retrieving the weather.

  • FIXED: The Monthly Observations window was not loading properly for some Windows region time formats.

  • CHANGED: Weather station search results are displayed even when the map above the search results fails to load.

  • CHANGED: Replaced WeatherBug branding with Earth Networks branding.

  • CHANGED: Weather stations are auto reloaded in the Local Observations and Station Search windows after zooming in/out on the map.

  • FIXED: The text/background color for the taskbar icon sometimes did not match the text/background color of the system tray icon.

  • FIXED: The tray balloon tip was not being displayed if set to display when the current condition changes.

  • FIXED: Resolved display issues with the weather station search, monthly observations, and local observations windows.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue that was causing incorrect current conditions to be displayed for some WeatherBug weather stations.

  • FIXED: The weather station search and local observations windows were not loading properly due to some recent changes in Google Maps.

  • FIXED: The tray tooltip would sometimes appear slowly or not at all when pointing the mouse over the Weather Watcher system tray icon.

  • FIXED: Weather alerts were not being displayed for some US weather stations.

  • FIXED: Some international characters were not displaying properly in the weather stations names and locations when searching for a new weather station.

  • FIXED: Suppressed "You are using a browser that is not supported by the Google Maps JavaScript API" message from Google Maps that was displaying at the top of the weather station search and local observations windows.

  • ADDED: Added "Refresh all open map windows" setting in the "General" section of the Weather Watcher Options window to allow all open map windows to be auto refreshed each time the weather is retrieved.

  • CHANGED: Increased the width of the map list in the Map Manager window to prevent the list from scrolling horizontally.

  • CHANGED: Set weather alert popup window to on top so it does not open behind other windows.

  • FIXED: The top menu bar in the Local Observations window was being hidden after the map was repositioned and/or refreshed.

  • ADDED: Added "Visibility" to the items to show in the tray tooltip window in the "Tray Icon" --> "Tooltip" section of the Weather Watcher Options window.

  • ADDED: Added more custom sizes to allow desktop magnet image to be resized to up to 300% of the original image size.

  • ADDED: Added "Image Size" setting to allow desktop wallpaper image to be resized to up to 300% of the original image size.

  • FIXED: The POP was sometimes out of sync between the hourly and daily forecast.

  • FIXED: Prevented tray tooltip window from appearing when Weather Watcher starts up with Windows.

  • ADDED: Added options to set the desktop magnet size to 125%, 150%, 175%, or 200% of the original image.

  • FIXED: TWC Radar/Satellite map was not being resized when the map window was resized.

  • ADDED: Added TWC and WeatherBug radar/satellite maps to the "Maps" menu at the top of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • FIXED: Actual temperature value was not always rounding up/down properly in the system tray icon.

  • FIXED: Night forecasts were not displaying in the "Daily" section for some locations.

  • FIXED: Removed additional discontinued TWC weather maps. If you're using one of these maps for your wallpaper and/or a desktop magnet, you'll need to choose a different map.

  • ADDED: Added new TWC and WUnderground weather maps.

  • FIXED: Removed discontinued TWC weather maps. If you're using one of these maps for your wallpaper and/or a desktop magnet, you'll need to choose a different map.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue that was causing duplicate notifications to appear for the same weather alert.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue that was preventing weather data from being refreshed for WeatherBug weather stations.

  • FIXED: Sunrise/sunset times were off by 30-60 minutes for some locations.

  • FIXED: The weather station markers were not showing on the map after the search results appeared when adding new weather stations.

  • FIXED: Made additional changes to fix broken Weather Channel map links when loading wallpaper and desktop magnets.

  • FIXED: Updated broken Weather Channel map links.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue that was preventing weather stations search results from displaying on Windows XP.

  • FIXED: Some WeatherBug weather stations were being excluded from the weather station search results.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue that was sometimes causing the pan feature to stop working in the Local Observations map.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue that was preventing "Local Observations" window from being displayed.

  • FIXED: Resolved issue that was preventing new weather stations from being added.

  • ADDED: New "Wind Gust" item in the "Tray Icon" --> "Tooltip" section of the Weather Watcher Options window to show the wind gust in the tray tooltip window.

  • FIXED: Updated links to all Weather Channel maps.

  • FIXED: An incorrect current wind gust value was being displayed for some Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: The radio buttons in the "Conversion" section of the Weather Watcher Options were sometimes distorted at higher screen resolutions.

  • FIXED: The map image was sometimes not displaying in the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window for WeatherBug weather stations.

  • FIXED: The last updated time stamp was displaying in the incorrect time zone for some weather stations.

  • ADDED: Dusk and dawn times have been added to the Daily forecast and system tray tooltip (if selected in the Weather Watcher Options).

  • ADDED: Bar graphs have been added to the top of the Hourly and Daily forecasts to help visualize the upcoming day/week.

  • FIXED: Many of menu items at the bottom of the main Weather Watcher window were broken due to recent changes on the WeatherBug website.

  • FIXED: Some of the maps were not loading into the "Maps" menu at the top of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • FIXED: WeatherBug weather stations were showing the forecast in the current time zone rather than the time zone of the weather station.

  • FIXED: The tooltip window was sometimes popping up as soon as Weather Watcher was started.

  • FIXED: When adding new weather stations, the weather station search window was sometimes not loading right away.

  • FIXED: When the daily forecast temperatures are not available due to temporary data feed issues, the temperature data from the hourly forecast will be displayed for as many days as is available.

  • FIXED: The days/dates in the hourly and daily forecasts were not displaying the correct days/dates when Windows was setup to use a non-standard date format.

  • FIXED: The "Refresh" button was not refreshing the map image in the Weather Watcher Map Viewer window.

  • FIXED: Resized the Station Search window and Local Observation window to prevent them from displaying beneath the Windows taskbar.

  • FIXED: The map was not displaying when adding new weather stations or when viewing the Local Observations window.

  • FIXED: The negative sign was sometimes wrapping to a second line in the temperatures above the bar graphs in the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • FIXED: The wind value in the tray tooltip window was always rounding to a whole number.

  • FIXED: The system tray icon colors were sometimes still showing the alert colors after an alert was cancelled.

  • FIXED: When using the "Splendid3" interface skin, some of the temperature icons were not displaying in the slider at the bottom of the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • FIXED: When displaying the "Upcoming Hourly Forecast Icons" in the tray tooltip window, Fahrenheit temperatures were showing the tenths place.

  • FIXED: After adding a new weather station, XML code was sometimes getting inserted into the weather station list in the "Stations" section of the Weather Watcher Options window.

  • FIXED: Wind was not converting properly and/or displaying the wind direction in the Weather Watcher tray tooltip window.

  • FIXED: Tomorrow's daytime forecast was sometimes not appearing in the "Daily" section of the main Weather Watcher window for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: Resolved incorrect temperature rounding issues throughout Weather Watcher.

  • FIXED: Some WeatherBug weather stations were always displaying "N/A" for the wind gust in the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window.

  • FIXED: The wind chill (feels like) in the hourly forecast was not calculating correctly at times when there was no wind.

  • ADDED: New color settings are available in the "Tray Icon" --> "Colors" section of the Weather Watcher Options window to set different tray icon colors for weather warnings, weather watches, and all other weather alerts.

  • FIXED: Some temperatures were not rounding up properly (e.g. 45.5 to 46).

  • FIXED: Some weather stations outside of the US were often showing a feels like temperature that matched the actual temperature in the daily forecast.

  • CHANGED: Made some changes needed to get ready for some weather data feed updates that are going to break Weather Watcher. Installing this update will ensure Weather Watcher is ready to handle those updates.

  • CHANGED: Made some minor tweaks to speed up the weather update process when using Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: The hourly forecast was not displaying in the "TextOnly" interface skin for international WeatherBug weather stations.

  • FIXED: The daily forecast was only showing one day for some international regional Windows formats (e.g. German).

  • FIXED: The temperatures and dew points were not being converted to Celsius in the daily forecast for some weather stations.

  • CHANGED: Weather Underground weather stations now display the Weather Channel's forecast models. Previous Weather Watcher builds used Weather Underground's old forecast models.

  • CHANGED: Reverted the changes made to the weather station search window in version 7.2.16 to correct some unforeseen behaviour.

  • FIXED: International Weather Underground weather stations were no longer showing the daily forecast due to an upgrade in the Weather Underground data feed used by Weather Watcher. Until that issue can be corrected, the daily forecast data will be pulled from the WeatherBug data feed.

  • ADDED: In the hourly forecast, color bars now display below the temperature and feels like temperature to visually represent the temperature intensity.

  • ADDED: "Sky Cover" is now available in the hourly forecast for international WeatherBug weather stations.

  • CHANGED: When opening the weather station search window to add a new weather station, the weather stations are auto loaded for your current location.

  • FIXED: The Weather Underground WunderMap now always loads in the default web browser since it does not always display correctly in Weather Watcher's built-in map browser.

  • FIXED: On the left side of the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window, the temperature and feels like temperature spans now display from low to high.

  • ADDED: An "Open last viewed map" option was added to both left click action drop down boxes in the "Tray Icon" section of the Weather Watcher Options window. When set, you can single or left double click the Weather Watcher system tray icon to open the last viewed map.

  • CHANGED: If the "Check for new version of Weather Watcher Live" check box is checked in the "General" section of the Weather Watcher Options window, Weather Watcher will now also check for a new version once per day. This will ensure that the version is being consistently checked for people who rarely restart their computers.

  • CHANGED: The "Tray Icon" --> "Tooltip" section of the Weather Watcher Options window now has a "System Tray Tooltip Style" drop down box. Use this setting to choose which type of tooltip should be displayed when pointing your mouse over the Weather Watcher system tray icon. A "Disabled" option was added to allow the tooltip to be turned off.

  • FIXED: The "Lightning" map in the "Maps" menu on the main Weather Watcher window was no longer being repositioned to the currently selected weather station's location when opened.

  • FIXED: For Weather Underground weather stations, the "Rain Today", "Monthly Rain", and "Yearly Rain" values were not displaying in the Weather Watcher tooltip for some people due to a rainfall conversion issue. (Keep in mind that some weather stations never report rainfall.)

  • CHANGED: The weather station search window now appears in the Windows taskbar when opened.

  • FIXED: The current condition was not being logged in the Monthly Observations window for WeatherBug weather stations.

  • FIXED: An incorrect "Hours to Sunrise" time was being displayed in the Weather Watcher system tray tooltip.

  • FIXED: Added extra padding to the bottom of the hourly & daily forecasts to ensure the last listed item is not blocked by the temperature bulb.

  • FIXED: The first couple of days in the daily forecast were sometimes not showing the correct high/low temperatures around midnight.

  • ADDED: Real time lightning map is available in the "Maps" menu at the top of the main Weather Watcher window. This menu can also be accessed by right clicking the main Weather Watcher window or system tray icon.

  • CHANGED: "POP" column in the Hourly/Daily forecasts displays in bold, green font when the POP is greater than 29%.

  • CHANGED: Made some improvements to the real time weather update process to increase performance.

  • FIXED: Sunrise/Sunset times were not displaying for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • CHANGED: Upgraded to new WeatherBug Pulse data feed—which has more accurate hourly temperatures and precipitation forecasts.

  • CHANGED: Modified the internal data caching to prevent data that is not updated often from downloading on every data refresh.

  • CHANGED: Modified the first day of the daily forecast to show the high/low from the hourly forecast if there is conflicting information in those forecasts.

  • CHANGED: Removed the time zone from the "Updated" time at the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window when the time zone could not be calculated (that time is always in your local time anyhow).

  • FIXED: The "History" link at the bottom, left of the main Weather Watcher Live window was broken for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: After right-clicking the Weather Watcher Live system tray menu in Windows 8, the Windows taskbar menu would sometimes appear.

  • FIXED: Weather Underground weather stations were showing an incorrect time zone abbreviation (standard time instead of daylight savings time) in the last updated time stamp.

  • FIXED: Expired weather alerts were continuing to display on the main Weather Watcher Live window in a few rare cases where the expired time was incorrect.

  • FIXED: At certain times of the day, some Weather Underground weather stations were only showing one day in the daily forecast.

  • FIXED: Sunrise and sunset times were not displaying for some international locations.

  • FIXED: Tweaked "Rain Today", "Monthly Rain", and "Yearly Rain" formatting to allow proper conversion when using international decimal and digit grouping formats.

  • ADDED: Sunrise/Sunset times are now available for international Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: Current humidity was not available for some Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: "Actual High" and "Actual Low" temperature values were not displaying in the tray tooltip window for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: Some WeatherBug weather stations were showing the weather station unavailable message -- even though the weather station was not really unavailable.

  • FIXED: "Rain Today", "Monthly Rain", and "Yearly Rain" values are now available in the tray tooltip window for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: The Map Browser window would not load when the map list contained a map that was not an image -- had to filter out maps that linked to web pages.

  • FIXED: Sunset/Sunrise times were not displaying properly at times when the clocks changed for Daylight Savings Time.

  • ADDED: Issued and expires time stamps now display at the bottom of weather alerts.

  • FIXED: The "+" button in the Map Browser window was not opening the Map Manager window to allow new maps to be selected.

  • FIXED: Made some changes to the weather update process to prevent Weather Watcher Live from becoming unresponsive in cases where the weather data could not be downloaded.

  • FIXED: The new alert popup window was sometimes loading with a blank alert text area.

  • FIXED: The Local Observations window was always displaying the temperature in Celsius when both was selected for temperature in the "Conversion" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • FIXED: The Monthly Observations window was always displaying the temperature in Celsius when both was selected for temperature in the "Conversion" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • FIXED: Some alert descriptions were being truncated incorrectly in the red alert banner at the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • ADDED: New hot keys allow for easier navigation in main the Weather Watcher Live window. Press Esc to close the window, F5 to refresh the weather data, and Ctrl+Tab or Left & Right arrows to navigate between the Now/Hourly/Daily sections.

  • ADDED: The year is now displayed beside the month for all months in the Monthly Observations window.

  • CHANGED: The Local Observations window now remembers the last screen position when reopened.

  • CHANGED: In the Splendid4 skin, made the dash separating the temperature spans lighter for easier reading.

  • FIXED: The wind gauge arrow was not always obeying the "Wind Gauge Arrow" direction setting in the Settings.

  • FIXED: When the weather alert window was displayed within the main Weather Watcher Live window, it was sometimes auto closing when the weather data was auto updated.

  • FIXED: The Monthly Observations window was not displaying the last day of the month when the month names wrapped to a second row at the top of the window.

  • CHANGED: Tweaked the weather update process to decrease the time it takes to download the weather data.

  • FIXED: On weather updates, the main Weather Watcher Live window was sometimes popping open.

  • FIXED: On weather updates, the cursor was sometimes being stolen when other programs had focus.

  • FIXED: The "Map Image Link" setting was not being reloaded when the settings window was reopened.

  • FIXED: Made some tweaks to the main Weather Watcher Live window to improve performance when the weather data is refreshed.

  • FIXED: Resolved a memory leak and made various performance related enhancements.

  • FIXED: The main Weather Watcher Live window was not responding to mouse clicks while the weather was being retrieved.

  • ADDED: Added "Add More Maps" menu item to the bottom of the maps menus.

  • ADDED: Added new skin icon sets (DD Crystal, DD Kor, and DD Magical).

  • CHANGED: Modified daily forecast to use the hourly forecast data to calculate a more accurate low for first day in the forecast.

  • CHANGED: Reordered the highs & lows in the "Temperature" section of the "Now" section of the Splendid4 skin so they appear in sequential order for each time period.

  • FIXED: The correct humidity min/max now displays in bar graph of Splendid3 skin for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: Humidex value was not displaying in the hourly forecast when Celsius was selected in the "Conversion" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window

  • CHANGED: The titles for all available weather alerts now appear in the red banner at the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • CHANGED: Adjusted the next couple days of the daily forecast to show the highs/lows from the hourly forecast to improve accuracy.

  • CHANGED: Assigned all heat related weather alerts to the "Air Quality Alert" category in the "Weather Alerts" section of the Options window.

  • CHANGED: Added white background and border to icons in Now/Hourly/Daily sections where appropriate to improve appearance.

  • FIXED: After selecting "Refresh Weather" from the system tray menu, the menu could not be accessed again until the weather finished refreshing.

  • FIXED: "Map Zoom Level" was disabled in the Splendid 4 skin settings for international Weather Underground weather stations.

  • ADDED: Added dew point as an option to display in the "Now" section of the main window. Click "Settings" at the bottom, right of the main window to enable this setting (Splendid 4 skin only).

  • ADDED: Added precipitation, humidity, humidex, and dew point to the "Now" section of the Text Only skin.

  • CHANGED: When editing weather stations in the "Stations" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window, the zip code can now be changed too.

  • FIXED: When running Weather Watcher Live for the first time after a new install, some maps were missing from the "Maps" button menu in the main window.

  • FIXED: In the "Now" section of the main window, humidex was missing the degree symbol in the "Currently" section (Splendid 4 skin only).

  • FIXED: In the "Now" section of the main window, the max feels like was incorrectly showing the max temperature in the "Upcoming Weather" section (Splendid 4 skin only).

  • FIXED: When using a Weather Underground weather station, the link was not opening to the proper location when clicking the Weather Underground logo in any section of the main window (Splendid 4 skin only).

  • FIXED: Resolved issue that was causing empty main window display for some Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: Resolved various Splendid4 skin display issues.

  • ADDED: New Splendid 4 skin -- with redesigned interface and mini forecasts for upcoming time periods (morning, afternoon, evening, and night).

  • CHANGED: Added map control to Local Observations window to toggle between satellite and map view.

  • ADDED: The barometer gauge now displays colors to show if pressure is steady, rising or falling for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • ADDED: "Special Weather Statement" alert type in "Weather Alerts" section of Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • FIXED: Updated "Splendid2" interface skin to fix display issues when IE 10 is installed.

  • FIXED: Corrected observed and downloaded times for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: Some current conditions were not being logged in Monthly Observations window for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: The main Weather Watcher Live window had various minor display issues when Internet Explorer 10 was installed.

  • FIXED: Updated the "Splendid3" skin to resolve a few display issues.

  • FIXED: When the "Select weather station closest to your current location" check box was enabled in the "General" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window, the conversion units were being auto set to metric on startup for some locations within the US.

  • ADDED: Dew Point bar graph to the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window for Weather Underground weather stations (data not available for WeatherBug weather stations).

  • CHANGED: In the "Tray Icon" --> "Colors" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window, the "Temperature Below Freezing" and "Temperature Below Zero" colors can be enabled at the same time.

  • FIXED: Map was not opening when clicked in the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • FIXED: Bar graphs were distorted when the main Weather Watcher Live window was not wide enough to display them.

  • FIXED: Allowed the map image to be stretched beyond its size in the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window when the window is resized.

  • CHANGED: When the main Weather Watcher Live window is resized, additional forecast days will appear in the "NOW" section on the left to fill the available space.

  • CHANGED: When the main Weather Watcher Live window is resized, the map image in the "NOW" section will proportionally resize to fill the available space.

  • FIXED: Daytime backgrounds were sometimes showing in system tray tooltip and hourly forecast during nighttime conditions.

  • CHANGED: The "Pressure" bar graph in the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window now shows the complete pressure values (e.g. "29.89" instead of "29").

  • FIXED: Map not loading into "NOW" section of main Weather Watcher Live window when adding a new WeatherBug weather station for locations outside of the US.

  • FIXED: Nothing was happening when selecting "Map Manager" from the Weather Watcher Live system tray menu.

  • FIXED: The weather station search window was displaying no results for some locations outside of the US.

  • FIXED: Maps added in the Map Manager were not appearing in the list in the "Wallpaper" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • ADDED: "Pop up message when new weather alert is found" check box in the "Weather Alerts" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • ADDED: Title of alert above the weather alert text.

  • ADDED: "Select weather station closest to your location" check box in the "General" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window. When enabled, Weather Watcher Live will choose the closest weather station to your current location on startup.

  • CHANGED: Formatted the weather alert text for a neater appearance and to allow for easier reading.

  • CHANGED: Replaced listview controls with list controls in "Weather Alerts" and "Tray Icon" --> "Tooltip" sections of the Weather Watcher Live Options windowto make them compatible with screen readers.

  • CHANGED: Improved the search results in the weather station search window. You can now search by address or zoom out to reveal surrounding weather stations.

  • FIXED: Nothing was happening when clicking the "Open Map Manager" button in the "Maps" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • FIXED: Made changes to fix display issues for Windows 8 users.

  • FIXED: "Show Tray Balloon Tip When" items were not saving when selected in the "Tray Icon" --> "Tooltip" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • ADDED: Medium and large text versions of all existing tray tooltip skins in the "Skins" section of Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • ADDED: "Round wind speed to nearest whole number" setting in "Advanced" section of Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • CHANGED: km/h wind speed is now rounded to one decimal place.

  • ADDED: "Rename" button in the "Tray Icon" --> "Tooltip" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window to allow the tooltip window labels to be customized.

  • ADDED: "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons in the "Tray Icon" --> "Tooltip" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window to allow the tooltip window items to be reordered.

  • CHANGED: When making changes in the "Skins" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window, the main Weather Watcher Live window now refreshes to show a preview of the selected skins.

  • CHANGED: "Daylight/Moonlight Remaining" now shows as "Hours to Sunset/Sunrise" in the tooltip window.

  • FIXED: The Monthly Observations window was showing no data for some locations outside of the US.

  • FIXED: Weather Watcher Live was freezing when loading the Monthly Observations window.

  • ADDED: "Map Browser" feature to easily view all maps selected in the Map Manager. The Map Browser can be accessed by clicking "MAPS" on the main Weather Watcher Live window, or from the system tray menu.

  • CHANGED: Renamed the system tray menu "Favorite Maps" menu item to "Maps".

  • CHANGED: Reordered the menu items in the system tray menu and added menu items to access the Map Browser, Local Observations and Monthly Observations.

  • FIXED: Temperatures on Local Observations window were displayed in colors that were hard to read when viewing temperatures in Celsius.

  • FIXED: Precipitation not displaying in the Monthly Observations window for WeatherBug weather stations.

  • FIXED: Tray icon left click action sometimes not firing and/or causing the tray icon to remain highlighted after clicked.

  • ADDED: MONTHLY button to the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window to view current conditions recorded while Weather Watcher Live was running.

  • ADDED: Dew Point and Precipitation are now available on the Local window (click the LOCAL button at the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window).

  • FIXED: Prompt to upgrade maps/skins was appearing each time Weather Watcher Live was started.

  • FIXED: Left clicks on the Weather Watcher Live system tray icon were not responding consistently.

  • FIXED: "HISTORY" link at bottom of the main Weather Watcher Live window now links to the correct weather station.

  • CHANGED: Modified the colors in the local stations window to make the text easier to read.

  • FIXED: Prompt to upgrade maps was appearing each time Weather Watcher Live was restarted.

  • ADDED: LOCAL menu button to main Weather Watcher Live window to display weather conditions at local weather stations.

  • ADDED: Up/Down arrows in the Tray Icon --> Tooltip section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window to reorder the items in the tooltip window.

  • CHANGED: Replaced the down arrow menu button on the main Weather Watcher Live window with a standard "X" close button.

  • CHANGED: Redesigned the menu buttons on the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • FIXED: Options window was closing when pressing the Enter key.

  • CHANGED: Tray Icon --> Tooltip --> Items to Show in Tray Tooltip setting from "Daylight Remaining" to "Daylight/Moonlight Remaining". The appropriate value is displayed depending on the time of day.

  • FIXED: On startup, the tray icon was being reset to Italic after retrieving the weather when the General --> Set tray icon to Italic until first weather update setting was enabled.

  • ADDED: Rainfall amounts (when available) are now displayed in the daily forecast text for US weather stations. For example, "New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible".

  • CHANGED: Made some modifications to the tray tooltip skins to make the text easier to read.

  • CHANGED: Made some modifications to the tray tooltip window to make it load quicker.

  • CHANGED: Toggle between displaying the tray tooltip hourly/daily forecast icons in the Tray Icon --> Tooltip --> Items to Show in Tray Tooltip section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • FIXED: A few memory leaks that were causing a large amount of memory to be consumed when running Weather Watcher Live for many days in a row.

  • FIXED: The tray tooltip window was sometimes only loading two hourly/daily icons.

  • ADDED: Skinned tooltip window displays the upcoming hourly/daily forecast temperaures and POPs.

  • ADDED: Skinned tooltip window displays a different view for daytime and nighttime.

  • FIXED: A few remaining discrepancies in the chance of precipitation displayed in the daily forecast.

  • FIXED: Discrepancies in the chance of precipitation displayed in the daily forecast.

  • FIXED: After starting Weather Watcher Live, the system tray icon was not responding on the first click.

  • FIXED: Script errors were popping up when viewing certain maps.

  • FIXED: Main Weather Watcher Live window was sometimes opening behind other open windows.

  • FIXED: Incorrect low temperature sometimes showing for the 3rd day in the daily forecast.

  • ADDED: "Temperature Below Zero" tray icon color option in the "Tray Icon" --> "Colors" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • ADDED: "Days" (only) and "Nights" (only) can now be selected to display in the slider at the bottom of the main Weather Watcher Live window. Double-click the slider to toggle the new settings or click "SETTINGS" at the bottom, right of the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • CHANGED: The bar graphs at the bottom of the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window now show more consistent levels when the values are zero or not available.

  • FIXED: Resolved various date formatting issues caused by custom Windows short date formats.

  • FIXED: Not possible to change the "Interface Skin" selection in the "Skins" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • FIXED: When "Both" was selected under "Temperature" in the "Conversion" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window, some weather stations were displaying both temperatures in Fahrenheit.

  • FIXED: Many Weather Underground weather stations were displaying mostly blank data in Weather Watcher Live due to a formatting issue in the Weather Underground weather data feed.

  • FIXED: When using a Weather Underground weather station, the daily forecast was not displaying for days beyond this year.

  • FIXED: When using a WeatherBug weather station, Weather Watcher Live was sometimes repeatedly playing the new alert notification sound and/or popping up the new alert message from the system tray icon for the same weather alert.

  • FIXED: Depending on the time of day the weather was retrieved, the moon phase was sometimes one day off.

  • FIXED: The moon phase was always showing as "waning crescent" in the Arizona time zone.

  • FIXED: Weather Watcher Live was locking up sometimes when hovering over the system tray icon to display the tooltip window.

  • FIXED: The low for the 4th or 5th day in the daily forecast was sometimes displaying as 500°F.

  • FIXED: A few weather alert types were not being displayed because Weather Watcher Live was not expecting those alert types.

  • ADDED: Hourly forecasts are now available for all weather stations.

  • FIXED: Made various tweaks to resolve issues that were preventing the wallpaper image from auto updating sometimes.

  • FIXED: The tray tooltip window was not always showing the most recent data when the "Auto Update Rate" was set to "Update in realtime" in the "General" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • FIXED: When the first day of the week was not set to "Sunday" in Windows, the daily forecast was not showing the proper day names.

  • CHANGED: Added night forecasts to the Daily forecast for international WeatherBug weather stations.

  • FIXED: Days were out of order in the hourly forecasts for WeatherBug weather stations.

  • ADDED: New radar maps for all states and regions within the US.

  • CHANGED: Map Viewer window auto resizes Flash maps so they fill the available window space.

  • CHANGED: When system tray icon single or double click action is set to "Open Weather Watcher Live", the main window will be closed if it's visible when single or double clicking the system tray icon.

  • FIXED: If current condition is not available, the first condition from the hourly forecast will be displayed.

  • FIXED: When clicking on the Weather Underground icon in the main Weather Watcher Live window, the webpage for another nearby weather station was being loaded or the webpage could not be found.

  • ADDED: When using a Weather Underground weather station, the real-time weather will update more often if the selected weather station is updating frequently.

  • FIXED: When using a Weather Underground weather station, the current conditions were sometimes being pulled from a nearby weather station when multiple weather stations are very close together.

  • FIXED: When installing Weather Watcher Live for the first time, the slider in the "NOW" view at the bottom of the main Weather Watcher Live window was not toggling through the daily/hourly/moon views on click.

  • FIXED: Tray icon color was sometimes not displaying the correct below/above freezing background color.

  • FIXED: Various display issues in the Splendid skin.

  • ADDED: Double-click the slider at the bottom of the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window to toggle between days, hours and moons.

  • ADDED: A new screen reader friendly interface skin named "TextOnly" is available in the "Skins" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • CHANGED: In the daily forecast, nighttime low temperatures were showing the low temperature for the entire day, rather than the low temperature for the night.

  • CHANGED: When the Weather Watcher Live Options window is opened, the left menu now has focus. This change was made to make the Options window more screen reader friendly.

  • FIXED: Rebuilt the DL.EXE application to resolve an issue where the DL.EXE process would remain in memory. When this happened, the WW.EXE process would often get stuck and use a continuous amount of CPU until restarted.

  • FIXED: The thermometer on the main Weather Watcher Live window was not always displayed using the correct color.

  • FIXED: After midnight EST, some weather stations were displaying daytime icons for nighttime hours in the hourly forecast.

  • FIXED: When desktop magnets are loaded while an Internet connection is not available, the magnets were not loading at the proper size when an Internet connection returned and the magnet images were loaded.

  • FIXED: The pressure unit was not displaying in the tooltip window.

  • FIXED: Restored the links to the Opentopia world sunlight maps.

  • FIXED: Made many changes to correct various weather data display issues in the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • FIXED: All severe alerts were being displayed for Weather Underground weather stations. The selected alerts in the "Severe Alerts" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window were being ignored.

  • FIXED: Script error was appearing when resizing the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • FIXED: The complete daily forecast was not showing near the end of the month for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: Rebuilt parts of the Splendid2 interface skin to remove scripting that was causing the main window to improperly display all contents in the top, left corner of the main window.

  • FIXED: Max wind was not displaying in the wind bar graph at the bottom of the "NOW" section of the main window for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: Tweaked weather station search to display additional Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: Some Weather Underground weather stations were displaying a nighttime current condition icon during the day.

  • ADDED: Press ALT+F4 to minimize/close the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • CHANGED: When a severe alert is available, click the "ALERTS" button at the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window to load the severe alert text into the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • FIXED: When updating the weather in real time, the max wind was resetting in the bar graph at the bottom of the main Weather Watcher Live window when automatically updating the interface with real time data.

  • FIXED: Reduced the time it takes to show and refresh the main Weather Watcher Live when opening it from the system tray.

  • FIXED: Incorrect moon phases were being displayed when in a time zone that does not observe daylight savings time.

  • FIXED: Weather Underground weather stations were showing "N/A" for the daily forecast condition whenever there was a chance of snow.

  • FIXED: An Internet Explorer message box was sometimes appearing when starting Weather Watcher Live using an old version of Internet Explorer.

  • FIXED: Some Weather Underground weather stations were reporting negative wind speed values.

  • FIXED: Synched the Weather Underground weather station temperatures in the daily forecast with the hourly forecast temperatures. In previous versions, the daily forecast was showing highs and lows that were far outside of actual recorded temperature range.

  • FIXED: Weather Watcher Live was crashing when the "Use custom tray tooltip window location" box was checked in the "Tray Icon" --> "Tooltip" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • FIXED: Maps, news, and other Internet content not linking properly for WeatherBug weather stations.

  • FIXED: Feels like temperature not displaying in the temperature bulb on the main Weather Watcher Live window when displaying temperature in Celsius.

  • FIXED: Formatted bar graph values in main Weather Watcher Live window so only whole numbers are displayed.

  • FIXED: Negative temperatures not rounding properly in the temperature bulb on the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • FIXED: As a result of a change made in version 7.0.33, the weather was not automatically updating when "Update in realtime" was selected in the "General" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window. After restarting Weather Watcher Live, the weather would update okay again until the first automatic realtime update occurred.

  • FIXED: Made changes to the data downloader application (DL.EXE) to prevent situations where the application was stuck in a loop and/or not responding during weather updates.

  • FIXED: Decreased the wait time between severe alert checks when the "Auto Update Rate" is set to "Update in realtime" in the "General" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window. Prior releases were waiting up to 15 minutes between checks.

  • FIXED: Severe alerts were sometimes being bypassed because data was being downloaded from servers that did not contain current severe alert information.

  • FIXED: Decreased the height of the Station Search window because the buttons at the bottom were displaying outside of the visible desktop area on systems running low resolutions.

  • FIXED: If the Windows regional format is set to use a comma as the decimal symbol, then no weather stations were being returned when attempting to add a new weather station.

  • CHANGED: Added check at startup to disable proxy connection if proxy settings have been setup in the Weather Watcher Live Options window and no proxy connection is currently available.

  • FIXED: Daily forecast was sometimes not displaying in the "DAILY" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • FIXED: Majority of the main Weather Watcher Live window was displaying blank after installing the IE 9 beta.

  • FIXED: License data was not updating locally when the "Update license key" button was pressed in the "License" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

  • FIXED: The day names in the hourly forecast were ahead one day for some weather stations.

  • FIXED: Corrected the daily forecast date format and the "Observed" and "Downloaded" dates at the bottom of the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window when using a Windows short date format other than MM/DD/YYYY (for Weather Underground weather stations).

  • FIXED: Some international Weather Weather Underground weather stations were not appearing in the weather station search results.

  • FIXED: The "NOW" values in the Splendid2 bar graphs were sometimes lower/higher than the min/max values (for Weather Underground weather stations).

  • ADDED: The new WeatherBug Interactive Map map has been added to the "MAPS" button list in the main Weather Watcher Live window (for WeatherBug weather stations).

  • ADDED: Doppler map has been added to the "MAPS" button list in the main Weather Watcher Live window (if available for Weather Underground weather stations).

  • CHANGED: When clicking the map in the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window, the WeatherBug Interactive Map will be displayed (for WeatherBug weather stations).

  • CHANGED: When clicking the map in the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window, the radar will be displayed (if available for Weather Underground weather stations).

  • FIXED: The daily forecast days were displaying out of order around midnight for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: The "Map Image Link" in the Splendid2 skin settings was being reset after updating the weather.

  • FIXED: The barometer gauge and bar graph in the main Weather Watcher Live window were not displaying properly when bad pressure data existed in the Weather Underground data feed.

  • FIXED: Splendid2 skin settings not all properly loading when Weather Watcher Live was started.

  • FIXED: Splendid2 graphs sometimes displaying when closing the skin settings window and not in the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • FIXED: Took care of another issue that was sometimes causing an "Object required" script error to appear when Weather Watcher Live was started.

  • FIXED: The tray icon alert message was not displaying when a new severe alert was discovered.

  • FIXED: An "Object required" script error sometimes appeared when Weather Watcher Live was started.

  • FIXED: The tray tooltip window was not displaying information for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: The observed time stamp was displaying the time without the date for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: The map at the top of the weather station search window was displaying a blank, white box for some locations.

  • FIXED: When displaying daily icons in the tray tooltip window, the number of icons displayed will no longer exceed the number of icons available in the daily forecast.

  • ADDED: A history is now kept for the last 20 URLs used in the desktop magnet feature. When creating a new desktop magnet, click the "Select Magnet Image..." button to choose a URL from the history.

  • CHANGED: The bar graphs in the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window now resize to fit the available area.

  • FIXED: The "Observed" date in the main Weather Watcher Live window was not properly formatted.

  • FIXED: The hourly forecast was sometimes displaying data for hours in the past.

  • FIXED: The daily forecast was sometimes displaying incorrect day names and/or days out of order.

  • FIXED: The POP was not always matching in the hourly and daily forecasts for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: The station search results have been reordered by latitude and longitude.

  • FIXED: When displaying temperatures in Celsius, the daily temperatures were not converting properly. This was also causing broken images to appear in the daily slider at the bottom of the "NOW" section of the main Weather Watcher Live window.

  • FIXED: The "WeatherBug" icon set was not displaying properly for Weather Underground weather stations.

  • FIXED: Daily conditions were sometimes displaying as "Sunny" instead of "Clear" for nighttime conditions.

  • FIXED: Incompatible Interface Skins can no longer be selected in the "Skins" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window. "Splendid2" is the only Interface Skin that is compatible with Weather Watcher Live 7.

  • ADDED: Weather Underground weather stations can now be accessed.

  • ADDED: The "Wallpaper" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window is available again.

  • ADDED: Desktop magnets can be locked in position by right-clicking the magnet and choosing "Lock Magnet Position".

  • ADDED: Desktop magnets can be resized to a custom width and height.

  • CHANGED: Made many modifications to the Splendid2 skin to boost performance.

  • CHANGED: The Splendid2 daily and hourly headers stay in place while scrolling up and down.

  • FIXED: The "[TEMP PLAIN ROUND]" template tag was not rounding the temperature properly.

  • ADDED: Stick map images or any GIF/JPG image from your favorite website to your desktop wallpaper. Right-click the Weather Watcher Live system tray icon and choose "Create Desktop Magnet..." to access this feature.

  • CHANGED: Removed dependency on the Microsoft Script Runtime. This dependency was sometimes causing the main Weather Watcher Live window to display as a blank, white window on 64-bit systems.

  • CHANGED: Made various performance-related improvements.

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